But it never burns the right people.

“Any member of the general assembly who proposes a piece of legislation that further restricts the right of an individual to bear arms, as set forth under the second amendment of the Constitution of the United States, shall be guilty of a class D felony,”


Today is Barack Obama’s second inauguration day.  Four years ago, I sat in a McDonald’s watching it online and wrote this.  Today, I’m in a bagel shop (or at least I was when I started this), but I’m not watching. I’m not celebrating. And I’m not hopeful.

Those of you who know me may have noticed that I was pretty quiet during the election, not just on the blog, but everywhere. The simple fact is, that while he was orders of magnitude better than Mitt Romney, I simply couldn’t bring myself to support Obama. So I didn’t go out and knock on doors. I didn’t pass on much in the way of political information.

I didn’t even vote.

Here’s the bald simple truth: Obama’s political career should have ended in disgrace today.  He shouldn’t have even been the Democratic nominee.  His and his administration’s failures in policy and action are too numerous to give but a partial list of here, and range from disappointing and astonishing to comical.  But ultimately, my decision was made by his failure to close the Guantanamo detention camp, and his failure to conclusively put and end to the United States’ use of torture, and to prosecute those individuals who committed it and those who ordered it.

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I said it wouldn’t be quiet here, and then it was. Because I knew what the next post had to be, and I didn’t want to write it. It’s hard to write something that might cost you friends.

…kicks John Sununu’s ass.

More about it here.

This isn’t the first time I’ve seen her actually ask questions instead of bob her head while people bullshit, either.  It’s so incredibly refreshing. Also sad that it’s all it takes for people to stand up and cheer for modern journalism, but still, nice to see.  Maybe I need to start watching CNN’s morning show again before blocking the channel….

So someone once told me that a web page I had made looked like it was “from the 1980’s school of web design.”

“There wasn’t a web in the 80’s,” I said.

“That’s my point.”

OK, it hurt, but looking at the page I had to admit she was right. It wouldn’t have been pulled out of the GeoCities archive for mocking or anything, but there were probably lots of pages that looked like it in there.

Since then, I’d stuck with tinkering with WordPress themes, but after the lovely wife came up with a couple website ideas, I’ve revisited HTML and learned a bit of programming (and then a different bit of programming as I realized the first plan wasn’t the best one, and then more as the technology changed underneath me….) One of the frustrations I’ve run into is that a lot of stuff assumes a level of skill that isn’t quite there yet for me; I’m at that point where I can look at examples and follow along, even spot errors in production code, but when I try to write something from scratch, I stare at the editor screen, with no real idea of where to start. It feels like the difference between being able to read a language, or flip through a phrasebook without too many embarrassing pronunciation errors, and actually being able to speak it. Continue Reading